Eyre Bird Observatory
Eyre Bird Observatory is located approximately
50 kilometres southeast of Cocklebiddy.
Eyre Bird Observatory is a very remote
site situated 1 kilometre to the north of the Great Australian
Bight. Europeans first ventured into this area of the Bight in
March 1841. At the time Edward John Eyre, his trusted friend John
Baxter, and aboriginal companions Wylie, Joey and Yarry were engaged
in a do or die effort to cross the Nullarbor. Of the expedition
members, only Eyre and his friend Wylie were to survive. Eyre's
epic crossing of the Nullarbor was a truly harrowing one, with
the party constantly suffering exhaustion, starvation and the
ever present possibility of death due to thirst.
During this epic exploration, Eyre's
expedition was forced to lay up and recuperate at "Eyre's Sandpatch"
- site of the present day Eyre Bird Observatory. According to
Eyre's journal the "Sandpatch" proved to be their salvation. At
the time Eyre's party was suffering a slow lingering death from
starvation, and more importantly, no native water wells had been
discovered during the previous seven days. Incredibly Eyre's expedition
discovered a source of water at the Sandpatch by digging a well
to a depth of over 2 metres through fine white sand. Eyre's party
then camped at the "Sandpatch" for another 29 days, before heading
west to confront further tragedies.
By 1897 Australia's Transcontinental Telegraph network had been
constructed, and Eyre's Sandpatch was renamed Eyre Telegraph Station.
At the time Eyre Telegraph Station was a major repeater link in
a chain of stations that connected Sydney to Perth. Such developments
represented important symbols of Australia's move towards a growing
sense of nationhood. Elsewhere on the Nullarbor a number of other
telegraph stations were also constructed at Eucla and Fowlers
Bay. Eyre Telegraph Station continued to operate until 1927. The
site remained abandoned for a further 50 years however. With great
foresight the Eyre Telegraph Station was restored in 1927 by Birds
Australia and the Post Office Historical Society.
Today Eyre
Bird Observatory is a nationally significant site for ornithological
and environmental research. Surrounded by the Nuytsland Nature
Reserve, this area of Australia is home to over 240 species of
birds - and many of them are rare and endangered. Rare species
recorded in Nuytsland Nature Reserve include Major Mitchell Cockatoos
and the unique Mallee Fowl which incubates its eggs in mounds
of leaf litter and sand.

Young Black Cuckoo Shrike Nestlings
For Nullarbor travellers a short visit
to Eyre Bird Observatory could prove most rewarding. Eyre Bird
Observatory is situated on some of Australia's most remote coastline.
Throughout the year Eyre Bird Observatory conducts a number of
courses designed to attract the interest of naturalists and people
with a growing sense of environmental consciousness.
Eyre Bird Observatory is located approximately
50 kilometres southeast of Cocklebiddy. Access to Eyre Bird Observatory
is provided by a turnoff from the Eyre Highway. This turnoff is
located approximately 17 kilometres east of Cocklebiddy. To drive
all the way to Eyre Bird Observatory a 4 wheel drive vehicle with good clearance is

The Descent to Eyre Bird Observatory
Conventional vehicles can travel along the access road as far as the lookout;
located 4km past the microwave tower. Please note road conditions in the area can be variable.
At Eyre Bird Observatory day visitors are welcome and a modest entry fee is charged, which includes a guided tour
of the facility and access to the surrounding area. Eyre Bird Observatory also provides overnight accommodation
including meals. Should you not possess a 4 wheel drive vehicle a pick up and drop off service is offered by the Caretakers of Eyre Bird Observatory, for guests staying two or more nights.
Eyre Bird Observatory is definitely a plus for aspiring photographers, naturalists and the more
serious David Attenborough types of this world!
accommodation prices and further information contact Eyre Bird
Observatory by telephoning (08) 9039 3450 or Fax (08) 9039 3440. Alternatively view the Eyre Bird Observatory visitor and accommodation link on that page for the most current accommodation rates.
Email contact can be made at eyre@birdlife.org.au.
To avoid disappointment advance bookings are essential.